Many of us seek to appear a size or three smaller. Layering can provide that look while our diets and workout plans fail us.

I can't think of a time that a customer came into the shop and asked if we had something that would make her look larger...or older. Thinner and more youthful is the more common request. At Dress Your Soul, we believe that your confidence is your greatest feature, and we strive to help you feel more confident.
“At Dress Your Soul, we believe that your confidence is your greatest feature, and we strive to help you feel more confident.”
Many women struggle with body image and are keenly aware of the styles that make them feel larger than they'd like. Experimenting with different looks and different layers is the best way to discern what works best for your figure, but there are tried and true techniques to add visual interest as well as create the illusion of being a size or two smaller.
While Katharine certainly doesn't need to appear smaller, her outfit illustrates the point quite nicely. You can imagine her line without the black vest, exquisite, but larger. The vest appears to minimize her shape while creating contrast, added dimension and a different look. You can trick the eye into seeing just the fabric that the vest doesn't cover, thus minimizing the figure.
Light jackets, shrugs, vests, wraps all serve this purpose.